Chapter 3

Dear diary,
This week has been a mess. I keep trying and trying to build the huts but they just won’t stay. Maybe it’s because everyone is taking this as a joke (besides Simon he’s been very helpful). But I am tired of everyone slacking off, we’ve been here for a while it’s time to stop taking things so lightly. When we’re all at the assemblies everyone is all energized and excited to work, but as soon as it’s time to do the work everyone goes back to playing around.
Not to mention that Jack and his hunters haven’t caught a single pig, hopefully they will soon. That boy has the real nerve to talk back as if he’s the leader. If he can’t hunt what makes him think, he can lead? I’m just under a lot of stress. The little kids are a complete disaster; they don’t do anything whatsoever. All they do is have nightmares about a beastie, I feel bad but their nightmares have nothing to do with their actual work.
Hopefully things between Jack and I calm down, we don’t need any more problems around here. Things need to change; people need to be more active in helping. Well that’s all I have for today i’ll keep you updated soon.


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