Chapter 2

Dear Diary,


I can feel that today will be a better day, as I was blowing into the conch everyone gathered on the platform.  Everyone was getting ready too have an assembly to talk about how no one is listening to what I have to say to them, and how others will not work.
Piggy has not done his job so far as in taking the littleuns names. They are all  little kids who don't obey and don't listen all they want to do is play on the beach and make sand castles.

But at last Piggy, Simon, and myself have finally spotted a ship in the distance. An idea has came to me that we should build a fire to signal to the ship. As we are getting the fire started with Piggy's specs, something terrible happened. As no one was guarding the fire it speared on half of the mountain. I assigned the hunters to watch it so therefore it will not happen again after this incident.

After this incident I am questing my leadership if I am a right fit for this role. When half the mountain gone into flames I have noticed everyone isn't really doing much to get rescued, and get off of this island. This is why I feel I should step down.



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