Chapter 12

Dear Diary,
As I hide somewhere in the jungle I keep thinking very miserably. Even about the chaos that has gone on in the island. Believe it or not Simon and Piggy were my friends on this island and I came to a realization that all kinds of civilization that all of the boys had have been stripped from the island or by the island. I fell and came across the head of the sow, The Lord of the Flies. The sow's head is just a white skull even the same color as the conch shell. I'm so angry that I even knocked down the skull and took the spear that was impaled in the sow and I am going to use it against Jack.

I than sneak into Castle Rock and I find Samneric guarding the entrance. The twins were kind enough to give me some food to eat but refused to join me. They than tell me that Jack plans on sending his tribe after me the next day. I hide in a thicket and drift off to sleep. As soon as I wake up I hear Jack talking and torturing one of the twins to find out where I was hiding. I knew that the twin wasn't going to last very long and soon going to give my location to Jack.

I than notice that a lot of boys were trying to break into the thicket by rolling a boulder, but the thicket is very dense. A group of boys try to come in the thicket but I fight some of them. I smell smoke and than realize that Jack has set the whole jungle on fire just so that he can smoke me out of the thicket. I soon abandon my original hiding place and fight my way past Jack and his group of hunters. I kept running away from Jack and painted savages. As soon as I knew it I ended up on the beach, I looked up and saw a naval officer standing over me.



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