Chapter 1

Dear diary,
Everything has been going downhill. First there is a war which is the reason we had to get in that plane, the point of it was to end up in another country not a random island. But that didn’t work out to well now did it.
All we have is each other. We need a leader, and a great one too. And fellas that is me, I may not know how to sing a C-sharp note but there is one important thing I know. I know how to be civilized and make sure we are all protecting each other. Or at least I will try my very best, that's something I can guarantee you.
At last I was given my rightful title. I was chosen as the leader, but to make sure everyone was happy I assigned Jack as head hunter. Hopefully he is satisfied with that title. Well that’s all for today.



  1. You did pretty good with the voice of Ralph. By the way this entry was written, I would definitely be able to tell that the character you chose is Ralph. The entry reminded me of some of the important events in the story, like how Ralph won the election as leader, and the fact that their plane crash landed. You did great with spelling and punctuation. I didn't notice any mistakes.

  2. Amazingly played the role of ralph! From the beginning I could tell you chose ralph. Reminded me of all the major events that took place.

  3. outstanding job with taking the role of ralph. I'm glad you stated the main points of chapter 1. Your essay if really well written, i look forward to reading more !! :)

  4. great job the grammar Is great. I can tell you are writing about ralph. keep up the work.


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