
Showing posts from May, 2017

Final Blog

After Ralph looks up at the Naval officer he soon comes to realize with joy that he wouldn’t have died. As Ralph and the other Naval officers heard screaming and feet running towards the beach The officer drew his pistol and Ralph hid behind him. In shock Jack and his hunters dropped their weapons. Everyone who was left on the island was extremely happy to know that they would all be rescued. In the whisk of excitement the boys forgot about hunting one another and went to go to tell all the others.   In fear Ralph stayed on the beach and the Naval Officer asked "why won't you go share the good news with your friends". Ralph then responded "No sir, those are not my friends", Ralph can feel the Officer glare at him for a time but then cut off by the sounds of excitement. As all of the boys came back to the beach choppers came from the sky I asked to be in the same chopper as the Naval Officer and Ralph thought "finally rescued for this wretched plac

Chapter 12

Dear Diary, As I hide somewhere in the jungle I keep thinking very miserably. Even about the chaos that has gone on in the island. Believe it or not Simon and Piggy were my friends on this island and I came to a realization that all kinds of civilization that all of the boys had have been stripped from the island or by the island. I fell and came across the head of the sow, The Lord of the Flies. The sow's head is just a white skull even the same color as the conch shell. I'm so angry that I even knocked down the skull and took the spear that was impaled in the sow and I am going to use it against Jack. I than sneak into Castle Rock and I find Samneric guarding the entrance. The twins were kind enough to give me some food to eat but refused to join me. They than tell me that Jack plans on sending his tribe after me the next day. I hide in a thicket and drift off to sleep. As soon as I wake up I hear Jack talking and torturing one of the twins to find out where I was hidin

Chapter 11

Dear diary,   Did you know it was very hard to light a fire in the cold? It's practically hopeless without Piggy's glasses. I don’t understand why Jack always has to do irrelevant task to get us mad. But it's okay, we'll be civilized and politely ask for it. It's not necessary to overreact over small things, and hopefully they'll have the same mindset for us.   We tried to go and be polite but that didn’t work. I tried to remind all of them that THEY chose ME to be their leader, why try to neglect it now? I blew the conch shell, and of course they over reacted and started hitting us with rocks. But what they did is unforgettable and unforgivable. They killed piggy, they threw a boulder at him and sadly they didn’t miss. Capturing Sam and Eric is one thing but then killing Piggy? They crossed the line.   I'm starting to lose hope. Hope in getting rescued. Hope in this society. But everything happens for a reason, things will change .. Hopefully. B

Chapter 10

Dear Diary, I have no words of the event that took place last night. I'm in complete shock and possible denial. Piggy and I met on the beach we both have all types of injuries on us. We both feel completely awful both physically and emotionally. I feel completely filled with guilt right at this moment, Piggy is trying to convince me that we didn't commit the murder. We both know that we did murder Simon on that night. I had the conch in my hands but I couldn't help but laugh all of a sudden. I keep telling Piggy that we have been apart of the murder of Simon. Quickly Piggy just brushes the charge off of his shoulders. Only Piggy and I are left everyone else has gone off to join Jack's tribe even a handful of littluns and his tribe is located at Castle Rock. Jack finally got what he asked for with absolute power he rules. I knew that Jack was plotting to attack me sooner or later but the question on my mind was when. Every one that was left in my own group